Wednesday 9 May 2007

life and times

i dont think anybody reads this page...i feel the need to write, i hear its call. i've been fighting it for so long and it's been eating me up inside.

that said, my life is pretty good. other than my job, everything else is moving forward. and i haven't met one person who actually likes their job!!!

one person did think it was funny to ask me, ME! to write on yeast infections! well, not so tough really, but we'd have to break it down to whether this infection is caused by yeast on humans or to the yeast itself. and yes i have no fucking idea what i'm talking about. but i did go to a lousy bloody skin specialist who told me that he line on my nose was yeast infection, when it actualy was something called a solute. ah, what would i do without my doctor ex-girlfriend. she's a good friend now...but she really has to stop trying to diagnose my every problem. i'm a fuckin hypochondriac, and it really freaks the shit out of me.

oh the same stupid skin specialist also gave me a cream for my hands which proceeded to remove all the skin from my fingers and the back of my hand!!! some doctor! i think they just give medical degrees away. "ah, u look like you're stupid enough! here's your degree. go out there and fuck people's lives up! you have our corrupt blessing!"

that said, i'm still happy. you want to know why? i'm in love. and its been a while since i felt like this. infact, i don't think i've ever felt like this before. never felt so completely at peace, so completely free. never been so happy. its like a weight has been lifted, my feelings of darkness, my premonitions of death, all gone. far away, far far away.

and my friends. we suddenly seem to have become closer. like we grew at the same time...and we grew together. its special when this happens. doesn't happen all the time. I know, that if i need them they'll be there, and i know that i'll be there for them. its special.


Anonymous said...

nice post mate..

i just love reading random stuff during work hours. it s such a release.


Pen on!!!


Anonymous said...

nice work. love the way u have expressed yourself. i somehow never understand how people run out of ideas or things write about. anyway, keep writing and hope you find find more things to motivate u to do so.

Anonymous said...


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