Thursday, 17 May 2007


this one's called freedom. its my definition. so if you dont like it, it means you've read it and you'll know why i really dont give a shit.

freedom is about one thing and one thing only. two simple words that to me have so much meaning. Personal Choice, the power to make your own decisions about who, where and what you want to be. everybody talks about it, goverments harp about it, but do we really, really, have the freedom to shape our own, personal, private destinies. the fundamental right of expression, the economic priniciple of choice.

ok, lets talk economics. economics is based on three fundamental priniciples. screw demand and supply. its scarcity, choice and oppotunity cost. underlying this is the basic assumption that all capable human beings are rational. so we are supposed to be gifted with the faculties to make a choice between scarce resources, keeping in mind the side effects of our decision. sounds simple. i dont think so. not by a long shot.

for one, there is not a single rational human being on this planet. we are an irrational genus, always were, always will be. and so far i have'nt seen enough evidence to dispute this fact. therefore, the dicsions we make are most likely to be the wrong ones, by our own inadequacies or by the forceful badgering of others.

now, talking about fundamental rights, with specific focus on the freedom of speech and expression. this is the basis of modern, i stress modern, society. all governmental systems that suprees this right have not worked and have actually failed quite miserably. nazi germany, facist italy, communist russia, and the continuous upheavals in africa. didnt work then. will most definitely not work now. very few have actually survived, singapore, china and cuba for instance, but in all those cases the system was continuously shifted around to make adjustments to the changing population. these are all but the ones i know about and i quite sure some of my arguments are unsustainable but this is how it is as far as i know.

all countries curtail freedom of speech and expression and thereby personal choice. at some level to a certain extent, it is needed. "your right to swing your umbrella ends at my nose." thats perfectly logical and acceptable. but personal choice regarding the way i (you too to whomever reads this) want to live my life, as long as it harms no one else is my own bleeding business and nobody, nobody, has the right to curtail that by force. coercion, persuassion, laa dee daa, are all good ways to try and bring about a change in attitudes but in my extremely humble opinion its wrong to do it by force.

be that as it may, i also believe that we can never be free. there is one way, but i doubt that anybody is interested. i am and i'll keep it to myself. ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find (if you havn't got it, ask me!!!).

anyway, i'm not so pissed off anymore and now seem to have run a\out of steam. writing,i seem to have found, is my release. passive aggressive (what a brilliant oxymoron). repression is a horrible thing.

and, i almost forgot. the one way to keep people from meddling in your life is to choose not to choose. give up, shy away. become reclusive. then your thoughts are your own and yours to think and to keep. but i dont think any of us are interested in that either. or we really wouldnt be blogging would we?!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

leave everything else dude, now do u hav freedom to leave frm work whenever u want!???